I got the stuff, i have the right, to choose whatever i want to do with the stuff. Brining another photographer to come in and touch my stuff. Hell no.
I've got to start looking up more then looking down more often. I've got to start to learn how to stand out. I've got to start doing more research. I've to stop procrastinating.
There is a limit in how much of a bastard you could be my dear friend. One day I would prove to you wrong and who knows, when that day come, you would open your eyes and see.
Funny me coming back to view this poor forgotten blog. Life has been stressful but What's life without obstacles? Im currently pursuing a career in Marketing.Advertising.Design. Funny how we thought life was easy when we're young. Well, i've updated my info. Till next time!
The name's Brandon
I'm Now 18(Hw fast time flies
In the past, i was given a nickname called Kampong
Why? Because i wore Singlet and shorts to town in secondary 2
I was from Canberra Secondary School
ITE College Central, Tampines
and i would keep now as a secret
I'm a Child of God
Faith Community Baptist Church
Boys' Brigade 99th Company
Tennis, Basketball, Frisbee, Badminton
Piano, Guitar
Recent addiction to K-POP